I also do not want to prolong the talk in this introduction so as to give you an opportunity to comment. But then again, the important thing to clarify is that the share of women in religion is equal to the share of men. The origins of religion demonstrate that, on the Day of Judgment, no one at all will be held responsible for a woman’s deeds, neither her husband, her brother, nor her father. The Lord says: “Unto men is a share of that which they have earned, and unto women is a share of that which they have earned” (4:32); “No sinful soul will bear another’s sin” (35:18); “Every soul is a pledge for its own deeds” (74:38); and “If a burdened soul appeals for aid, nothing of it will be redeemed even if the aide was of kin” (35:18). That is to say, if you meet God with many sins and ask for help you will find no help from your father, or your brother, or your mother, or your spouse, not one of your kin can redeem your sins. In the original message of religion, the woman is accountable, just as the man is accountable. However, she is not as accountable as he is, at the exoteric code level, due to her history. It is an ongoing history that is founded on variously benighted phases of life and society. Yet, eventually, the women will meet her Lord as a fully accountable person.
So, the exoteric code has been continually empowering women with responsibilities. It has been empowering the powerless with broad responsibilities. Now, we have seen that when Islam came, women were in such a situation as we described. But what will be the status of women when Islam reverts, as in the hadith, “Islam began as something strange and will revert to being strange as it began”? When Islam came in the seventh century, the Quran recounted that females used to be buried alive: “When the little girl that was buried alive is asked: For what sin she was killed” (81:8-9)? That was the status of women then. But what will be the status of women in today’s Sudan, as expected in the phrase, “and will revert to being strange as it began”? Islam is expected to find women in universities, women doctors, women lawyers, women judges, and women executives. It is expected to find young women running public utilities efficiently, charismatically, in high repute and with full respect. Okay then, when Islam finds women in such a status, is it expected to ask them to abide by the same old exoteric code? Is this something that is acceptable, by religion or reason? This is exactly the point of contention we have with ordinary theologians and undiscerning laity. In their opinion, women do not have problems at all. To them, the fact that a woman is always under the guardianship of a man is a settled matter. Whether she is a doctor, a lawyer, or even a head of state, for them, a woman will always remain under the guardianship of a man. Moreover, the man has the right to marry four of them, and he has the right to divorce his wife whenever he wants. That is their opinion. Such an opinion one feels ashamed even to share with a discerning intellectual. But, in point of fact, it is their opinion, and they are simply indifferent (as to its implications). They refuse to converse with people, otherwise they would learn about the existing women’s levels, and feel ashamed to give opinions. It is very likely that in the opinion of these people, if the Islamic exoteric code is put into effect, women should rightfully not be allowed to go to school, or to leave home. A woman should stay at home so as to fit the epitome of the exoteric code. When a woman stays home and lapses into ignorance, that’s it! She will not reject being under the guardianship and tutelage of a man. But, how can a college graduate accept being under the tutelage of her counterpart male judge? So, the matter is very clear. Women’s rights in the exoteric code are no more than provisional.
Now it’s a time for us know that when Islam reverts, it will definitely revert at a new level for women. Women are going to be equal to men―they will be equivalent to men. Matrimony will not allow two, three, or four wives, unless for reasons that are rationally and religiously acceptable. However, in religion a man is forbidden to marry three or four women. When God says, “but if you fear that you will not be equitable, then marry one woman” (4:3), it is for many exigencies upon which the exoteric code has made polygamy a provisional necessity. So, has God specified equity of treatment and excluded affection? That is in this existing code, a man is not required to be equally enamored with his four wives, as he is enamored with one of them, he has a right to be more enamored with one of his wives. But what about the other wives? He may even hate one of them and still keeps her as a fourth wife, as he is not required or obliged to love his wives equally. So, to polygamize, he is only obligated by equity of treatment, as polygamy was a social exigency when women outnumbered men. Men then were dying in the wars, and they were dying in the many hardships of life. If it was made compulsory for a man to marry one woman, a number of women would have not found husbands. So, it’s wise of the exoteric code to allow a man to marry two, three, or four women, while the number of women is many. Thus, one of the historic wisdoms of (exoteric) codification was that, under terrible societal conditions, it was better for a woman to have one-quarter of a man than not to have a man at all.
It was also wise of the exoteric code not to put women and men on the same level, as females were just saved (by Quranic verse) from being buried alive, so it would not be wise to consider women equal to men, and thus be at the same level as men! Women needed more time so they can forget their distressing history. They needed a long time to be treated with some level of dignity. Until recently, a man gets a little embarrassed when told that he will have a baby girl. Such a reaction also does not move women toward dignity. However, we are on the way to disposing of the remaining heritage from the life of the jungle, step-by-step. There are intellectuals who would like to have a baby girl, and there are people who wouldn’t mind a girl or a boy, to them, both are good and pleasing offspring. This indicates that the girl has had some of these progressive advancements. On that account, the issue of the status of women has become different. It has become completely different in Sudan, in Moslem countries, and in other countries of the world where we would want them to embrace Islam.
How can we tell them that in Islam you will find the solution to the all of your problems of various natures? Here is the answer: as we said, the equivalence of women and men, which is indicated in the hadith: “Women are the coequal partners of men.” The Quran also refers to this expressly: “They are a mantle for you and you are a mantle for them” (2:187). It is said in this verse, “They are a mantle for you and you are a mantle for them,” that marriage is a bilateral commitment with reciprocal rights and duties. Therefore, one wife is equivalent to one husband. She has the right to exercise divorce just like him. She is now wise enough to obtain the right to divorce, whereas under the guardianship of man, this right was kept dormant in his hand. It is just as the aforementioned case of the orphan’s wealth, which can be obtained when the orphan becomes an adult. Now, after fourteen centuries since women were saved from being buried alive, it is impossible for a woman lawyer to be under the tutelage of anyone, as she is certainly legally competent. The law is what protects men and women, for all who violate the law will be subject to the law. This is the point of contention we have with the others: We advocate an immediate establishment of the part of the Grand Quran containing the major rights that were kept dormant since the seventh century to be set up as the foundation for codification. This is what has been called “The New Islamic Call,” also called “The Second Message.” They are two names indicating one meaning, which is the fact that the exoteric code evolves. It evolves until it is founded on the desired original (Meccan) texts of religion that accommodates all of humanity. The Russians, the Americans, and others will find that their ideas and philosophies are incomplete―they will find that they need to embrace Islam. That is what we are propagating.
Everything you hear about us, in the form of various strange claims, is because of what we are propagating, which is actually the essence of religion and monotheism, which is incomprehensible for some people. It is incomprehensible only because it is uncommon. This was the promise of the hadith: “Islam began as something strange and will revert to being strange as it began; so good tidings for the strangers. It was asked: Who are those strangers, O Messenger of God? He replied: Those who revive my esoteric code (sunnah) when it is forgotten.” In another narration, about the strangers: “They are a rightly guided minority among misguided majority.” Hence, when religion moves forward, and the esoteric code and the essence of religion become prevalent, women will rise and pursue their place of dignity and obtain their rights. On that day, religion will be suitable for advanced, educated, and civilized nations to embrace. Then, they will take their entire civilization as a means to draw closer to God, rather than seeking amenities, whimsies, adventures, and explorations, which actually do not have any purpose other than inordinate pride in triumphs and material progress. When religion rises in this way, all the activities of people will be channeled into the path of religion, leading them to God. That is our duty as Moslems, which is found in our religion, and it is what we talk about.